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Gibbs Memorial Library - You Can Go Anywhere With A Book

Minutes Sept 4, 2014


MINUTES Sept 4, 2014

            The Gibbs Memorial Library Board met in regular session on September 4, 2014. The meeting was called to order at 12:00 p.m. In attendance were : Robilyn Reed, LuAnn Campbell, Stephanie Olvera, Ada Conner, Marjorie Parks, Susan Miller and ShienDee Pullman.

            Invocation was given by Marjorie Parks.

            The minutes from the previous meeting were read. Motion was made by Susan Miller, with a second by LuAnn Campbell to approve the minutes as read. Motion passed.

            Monthly reports were presented to the board by ShienDee Pullman. Motion was made to accept by Ada Conner and seconded by LuAnn Campbell, motion passed.

            Edward Jones presentation given by Dave Chilcoat on the library’s finances.

            Other Business

Discussion on Joe Johnston Camp Map and Legend. Dixie Hoover had a granted was in hand for a group of items that she was working on. She also had the map and legend of the Joe Johnston Camp evaluated and wanted to know if the library was willing to turn over ownership of the map and legend to the Texas Historical Commission so that the items can have proper storage and preservation. The library had already turned over the flag and gavel to the THC and did not see a need to turn over any more materials. Motion was made to turn down the request by Marjorie Parks, second by Robilyn Reed, motion carried. The library will see to the storage and preservation of the map and legend.

Discussion on BBVA Compass account, Marjorie Parks was asked to look over the proposal, she saw no need to add another account.

Discussion on Mexia News VIP ad proposal. The Mexia News had asked if the library was interested in placing ads in the newspaper regularly with a standing price instead of as needed. Motion to decline was made by Susan Miller, second by Marjorie Parks, motion carried.

Discussion on new server. Last month, during regular computer maintenance by Switch Technologies, it was brought to ShienDee’s attention by Tracsystem tech support, that the server was behind 8/9 updates for the TracSystem software and added costs would be incurred to update the server. ShienDee felt that the yearly license update received from Tracsystems should have included server updates or should have been stated when the yearly license was renewed that updates was also need for the server at least. The current server is already seven years old and is really a regular PC with server software installed. It is maxed out on memory. ShienDee asked that a new server be purchased, motion made by Marjorie Parks, second by LuAnn Campbell, motion carried.

Discussion on to continue with current Time/Print management or migrate to another. The current renewal for time/print management is $1689.00 per year, Tracsystems. ShienDee researched in what other libraries in surrounding areas are using (Groesbeck and Waco), EnvisionWare is used. There was a need to clarify the yearly renewal and updates cost (clarification – 9/8/14- $578.75 per year, covers all support and updates) but otherwise motion was made to proceed to migrate, motion made by LuAnn Campbell, second by Marjorie Parks, motion carried.

Next Library Board Meeting is scheduled for December 4th but was rescheduled to January 8, 2015. Motion to adjourn, motion by Marjorie Parks, second by Robilyn Reed, motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm